Here you will find some information about SpaceX Rockets and Launches coming from the free 🚀 API of SapceX .
With that project I could pull data from the API and used to show different information using some API fetch; even filtering, sorting and slicing the results.
This is my first Astro project where I found my first approach to a javascript framework.Astro allows pupils like me to understand how a component works and makes the learning easy...or that's what my mentor says🤪.
Regarding the brilliance of my mentor' skills, he have teached me all what I know. But the point he was really incredible was with my frustration managing. You can check the GitHub of an incredible developer .
I also discovered TailwindCSS which allows me to create some amazing designs, perhaps with a lack of taste 😅. But I was able to create a lot of styles and different features comfortably. Also, I used the config file to add a dark mode and a color palette to work with fixed colors and add control to my job.
Furthermore, it is the first time I worked with Git Branches using the console commands. It was nice to see all the steps; but it was kind of challenging to merge branches.
If you are interested in my work, you can check out my 👀 GitHub Repository .
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